Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blog Post #1

About Myself

       My name is Caileigh McCulloch.  I am 20 years old and I am a senior at the University of South Alabama.  I ended up at USA because my dad worked here for a few years.  He was the PMS (Professor of Military Science) at South.  He just retired from the Army two years ago so I have lived in many different places.  I have lived in many places in the United States, but I also lived in Germany and Australia for about two years each.  My mother was also in the Army for a while, but got out when I was born.  My older brother attends West Point (a military academy) and he will be graduating this December.  I was in the ROTC program here at South my freshman year, but quickly realized the military was not for me!  My parents now live in Florida, and I will be in Mobile at least until I graduate.  I am a full time student at South and I have worked at Club Sun for two years.  I like to play sports, read, play video games, go to the beach, hang out with my friends, and sleep!  I have played sports my whole life and I played volleyball at South my freshman year.  I like to read pretty much any book, and I will play Call of Duty all day long. :)
      My major is Health Education.  I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in 5th grade.  I chose Health as a subject I would like to teach because I believe that too many children do not know enough about this subject.  I think that it is one of the most important subjects and there should be a lot more emphasis on it.  To have the best life possible people need to know how to be healthy and productive individuals.  I think my passion for teaching comes from my ability to effectively communicate with people.  I love to learn new things and I love teaching others what I know.  Health is also a subject where the information can change over the years.  I will constantly be able to learn and teach new information.
     So there is my profile.  I hope you enjoyed it, and good luck this semester! :)


  1. Hey Caileigh,

    Great summary of yourself! I have little knowledge about the military so I can say very much about that. I do think that it is cool that you have lived in Australia! I have always wanted to go there and also New Zealand.

    It is great that you are one who wants to show kids that being healthy is important. I am glad that you feel that way!

    Good post Caileigh! If you have any questions over the semester, feel free to contact me.

  2. Good teachers must be good learners so it sound like you are off to a good start.

  3. Hey Caileigh! My dad has also just retired from the military and he was also in the U.S. Army. But I didn't get to travel to cool countries which would have been awesome. As you know my wife worked with you at Club Sun and she says "Hi!" I also enjoy playing video games and definitely enjoy Call of Duty. I was surprised you mentioned that because I wouldn't have pictured you as a gamer. Well good luck this semester.

  4. caileigh, I didn't know all this about you except military and club sun! I am extremely jealous that you have lived in Germany and Australia. My brother just got back from Germany and he said it was amazing! I am thinking when I come into your work I may ask you questions! For your major, I was always curious as to why you were in the physical education building! Even though I was just in there for one class! You sound passionate about health and I almost decided to do elementary education with a minor in health, and but decided against it. I still have the time to do it after I graduate if I change my mind! Can't wait for class again for you to make fun of picture.

  5. I would love to visit both Germany and Australia! Which did you prefer?
