Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blog Post #12

1. Watch this video on How Technology Evolves by Kevin Kelly 19:58
2. Write a post in which you discuss Kevin Kelly's views on why technology is important and why it has come to be what it is today.  Include comments on why you think watching this would help staff and faculty in schools better understand the need for incorporating technology into the classrooms.  Follow the requirements in Writing a Quality Blog Post.

On this web-site I watched a talk by Kevin Kelly on how technology evolves.  It was a very interesting video because it gives a very obscure look into why technology is important and why it has come to be what it is.  He talks about the evolution of all living species and the 6 kingdoms.  His theory is that technology is like a 7th kingdom.  It is a way of life, and just like the other 6 kingdoms it focuses on ubiquity, diversity, specialization, complexity, and socialization.

  He believes that technology is needed and should be constantly evolving (being invented) so that everyone can embrace it and find their potential for difference.  He says that technology gives us the potential for difference and opportunities.  There are millions of children in the world whose technology for self-expression has not been invented yet.  He thinks that it is our moral obligation to invent these technologies and keep evolving them so that everyone can recognize their own difference.  Kelly thinks that technology is an essential part of finding out who we are.  He looks at it as "the infinite game" because technology can be delayed but never killed.  It will continue to evolve and we must embrace it.

If staff and faculty in schools watched this video I think they would really appreciate it.  Kevin Kelly's theory shows that technology expands and grows to adapt to the world around it, just like everything else. The expansion and adaptation of technology is not something we have a choice about... It is going to happen!  Staff and faculty could use this theory to get their students excited about finding their difference and expanding their opportunities through the use of technology.  It will explain to teachers that it IS their moral obligation to help students learn how to use technology and to use it effectively.  They will only stunt their students progression by avoiding it.

This video stood out to me because it gave me a possible reason behind the "technology epidemic."  I watch videos all the time that are useful and tell me that technology is important.  This is one of a few videos that actually gave me a reasonable theory behind it all.  Everyone might not agree with this theory but it is a start and it should give students and teachers a sense of excitement to know that technology will do nothing but grow and give everyone MORE opportunities.    


  1. I like that you choose to do a lesson on how technology evolves. I think as students we don't understand how the tools that we are using come about and how quickly they can change. The point that you made about technology is going to happen and there really isn't anything that can be done about it is very true. It is a fact that the technology is here to stay. As teachers we must adapt the changing world around us and learn to use these tools to help our better our students changes of realizing there goals. The future ahead of us is full of gadgets and tools that we have no clue about how to use. I think that it will be up to us to learn and pass that information on to our students.

    Good Post.

  2. 19:58? 19:58? Oh my. Well, I reacted just like many EDM310 students. Why so long? I don't have time for that.

    And so I'll come back after I read all the other posts and watch it. I promise. Fortunately, I set my own deadlines.

    I will leave another post after I watch the video.

    You are BRAVE!

  3. OK. You got me. The video was totally fascinating. You do an excellent job of summarizing it. But it still must be watched. I wonder, however whether "If staff and faculty in schools watched this video I think they would really appreciate it." Maybe I am a pessimist, but I think it would flow right over the heads of most. This is truly a profound assessment of technology and its importance! My final note on the video, much like some of your comments, is this: Technology: an essential part of our journey in finding out who we are. What a fascinating take on technology!

    Thank you very much!

